Pubblicazioni scientifiche

In questa pagina si trovano le pubblicazioni scientifiche scritte da Mario. Con pubblicazione si intende un articolo scritto su una rivista scientifica RECENSITA.
Buona lettura!

Analisi di sciami meteorici: correzione del background

The Lyrids meteor stream has a medium activity and its origin is cometary. The stream occurs in the last days of April and the maximum of activity occurs in the days from 21 to 23 April. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The data were taken from the Radio Meteor Observation Bullettins. The purpose of this analysis is the definition of main characteristics of the stream and the study of the meteor profile using two different technique of the background’s correction.

Astronomia UAI, 1 supplemento, 28-31 (gennaio-marzo 2022)

Analisi in multibanda dello sciame meteorico delle Liridi

The Lyrids meteor stream has a medium activity and its origin is cometary. Their parent body is the comet Thatcher, that passed the last time near Earth in 1861. The stream occurs in the last days of April and the maximum of activity occurs in the days from 21 to 23 April. The Lyrids were studied from 1994 to 2004 using two different techniques: visual and radio observation. The visual data were taken from the internet archive of International Meteor Organization. The analysis's procedure follows in part the indication of this Organization. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The data were taken from the Radio Meteor Observation Bullettins. The purpose of this analysis is the definition of main characteristics of the stream. The solar longitude of the maximum of the activity is 32.2° ± 0.2° from radio data and 32.2° ± 0.1° from visual data. The ZHR during the maximum is 25 ± 3 and medium ZHR is 13 ± 1. The data show the evidence of a complexity in the structure of the spatial distribution of matter and no evidence of periodicities in the activity.

Astronomia UAI, 6, 21-27 (novembre-dicembre 2006)

Analisi radio dello sciame meteorico delle Liridi nel periodo 2005-2006

The Lyrids meteor stream has a medium activity and its origin is cometary. Their parent body is the comet Thatcher, that passed the last time near Earth in 1861. The stream occurs in the last days of April and the maximum of activity occurs in the days from 21 to 23 April. The Lyrids were studied from 1994 to 2004 using two different techniques: visual and radio observation. The visual data were taken from the internet archive of International Meteor Organization. The analysis's procedure follows in part the indication of this Organization. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The data were taken from the Radio Meteor Observation Bullettins. The purpose of this analysis is the definition of main characteristics of the stream. The solar longitude of the maximum of the activity is 32.2° ± 0.2° from radio data and 32.2° ± 0.1° from visual data. The ZHR during the maximum is 25 ± 3 and medium ZHR is 13 ± 1. The data show the evidence of a complexity in the structure of the spatial distribution of matter and no evidence of periodicities in the activity.

Astronomia UAI, 6, 26-29 (luglio-agosto 2007)

Calcolo delle costanti di Oort ricavate dalla distribuzione dell'idrogeno galattico

The purpose of this paper is to describe the kinematics of the Milky Way in particular through what are called the Oort constants using the data of the neutral hydrogen distribution

Astronomia UAI, 1 supplemento, 12-13 (gennaio-marzo 2022)

Echi dal cielo: lo studio degli sciami meteorici

The purpose of this work is to illustrate a standardized procedure that can be used to analyze scientifically the data obtained from radar detections of meteoric echoes.

Astronomia UAI, 1 supplemento, 16-19 (gennaio-marzo 2022)

Esperienze didattiche "Try it at Home!"

In the present job they come introduced a series of didactic experiences inherent the topic of radio astronomy. Such experiences are enclosed in an handbook, that is freely downloadable and usable. These experiments could be used from amateur for their personal knowledge to make at home or from teachers for their didactic activity in a school. The activities proposed in this first job are six and spaces describing radioastronomical concepts, like the interference and the resolution, to comprising radioastronomical techniques, like the creation of radio maps or the analysis of the Moon or the star and radiogalaxies classification, in order to reach to measure the age of our Universe. In the present job they come introduced a series of didactic experiences inherent the topic of radio astronomy. Such experiences are enclosed in an handbook, that is freely downloadable and usable. These experiments could be used from amateur for their personal knowledge to make at home or from teachers for their didactic activity in a school. The activities proposed in this first job are six and spaces describing radioastronomical concepts, like the interference and the resolution, to comprising radioastronomical techniques, like the creation of radio maps or the analysis of the Moon or the star and radiogalaxies classification, in order to reach to measure the age of our Universe.

Astronomia UAI, 3, 34-36 (maggio-giugno 2010)

Il progetto GMeteor - Un sistema per il monitoraggio degli impatti meteorici in atmosfera

GMeteor is a project with the scope to create a kit for the monitoring of the meteoric impacts in atmosphere. They come introduced the main characteristics of the hardware with the characteristics of the receiver in function of the better waveband. Moreover they come shown the peculiarities of the software in phase of development acted to acquire and subsequently to elaborate the data. The data will be able to come use for several researches and analysis, like the rate-time graph or the mass index or in order to evidence the mesospheric ozone concentration.

Astronomia UAI, 3, 34-36 (maggio-giugno 2010)

Il progetto RAMBO: analisi delle Eta-Aquaridi nel 2013

The Eta Aquarids meteor stream has a medium activity and its origin is cometary. Their parent body is the comet Halley. The stream occurs in the first days of May and the maximum of activity occurs in the days from 5 to 7 April. The Eta Aquarids were studied in 2013 using radio observation. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The data were taken from the RA.M.BO. project. The purpose of this analysis is the definition of main characteristics of the stream. The solar longitude of the maximum of the activity is λ0 = 45.61° ± 0.02°.

Astronomia UAI, 1, 41-45 (gennaio-marzo 2022)

Le Eta-Aquaridi nel 2004-2008

The Eta Aquarids meteor stream has a medium activity and its origin is cometary. The stream occurs in the first days of May and the maximum of activity occurs in the day 5 for visual and 7 for radar observations. The Eta Aquarids were studied from 2004 to 2008 using radio observations. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The activity of the stream has been analyzed using the method SVB. This method allows to separate from the observed datas the sporadic activity and the observability function of the forward-scatter apparatus and from these to obtain the true activity of the stream. The data were taken from the Radio Meteor Observation Bullettins. The purpose of this analysis is the definition of the main characteristics of the stream. The solar longitude of the maximum of the activity is 45.8° ± 0.2°.

Astronomia UAI, 3, 34-36 (maggio-giugno 2010)

Le Geminidi nel 2013

The purpose of this work is to analyse a meteor shower making use of a parameter easily comparable, that is the position of the maximum of activity. In fact we studied the action of Geminids, an active meteor shower we examined in December. We had not acquired the data, but they were given to us by the association "Astrofili Bolognesi" that had built a radio device based on the principle of forward-scatter. These results were compared with the others taken from the “Meteor Radio Orservating Bulletin. In a second moment we studied the actions of the shower analysing that data taken from the archive provided by the “International Meteor Organization”. In the end, the results obtained from the radio were compared to those emerged from the visual technique; and finally we compared this data with the scientific literature. We particularly pointed out how the meteor shower of Geminids is part of a more complex meteor stream, where there seems to be a presence of other two showers with similar characteristics.

Astronomia UAI, 1 supplemento, 20-25(gennaio-marzo 2022)

Mappa Radio della Via Lattea a 1420 MHz

The purpose of this work is to obtain the curve of rotation of the Milky Way, to map the spiral structure of the Galaxy itself and to determine the integral mass; all this is done through the study of the galactic hydrogen concentration. We used the radio telescope Salsa Onsala "Vale", a device with the diameter of 2.3 m built by the Onsala Space Observatory at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The data which were used refer to several observations done between December 22nd 2011 and January 6th 2012. For the elaboration of those data, which were the spectrum of the radiation, the software SalsaJ was used. The result of this study confirms that the matter velocity, far away from the galactic center, does not decrease, but remains the same. The distribution of the hydrogen is not uniform: it is concentrated in filamentary structures which are considered an evidence of the presence of a spiral structure.

Astronomia UAI, 4, 44-51 (luglio-agosto 2013)

Project CLEA - Software per la didattica in radioastronomia

Project CLEA (Contemporary Laboratory Experiences in Astronomy) develops laboratory exercises that illustrate modern astronomical techniques using digital data and color images. They are suitable for high-school and college classes at all levels. Project CLEA puts to disposition of the didactic instruments dedicates to the radio astronomy. Two are the specific programs in this sense: Radio astronomy of pulsars and The rotation of Mercury by Doppler effect. For everyone they will come described to the peculiarities, the didactic fine and the procedures for the obtaining of meaningful measures. The described procedures do not differ minimally from the usual calculations carry out to you from astronomers. The didactic aspect is interlaced with the peculiarities of the official research.

Astronomia UAI, 6, 41-45 (luglio-agosto 2007)

Astronomia UAI, 6, 41-45 (luglio-agosto 2007)

Realizzazione della mappa della Via Lattea a 1420 MHz

The purpose of this work is to illustrate the operational phases that allow to realize the curve of rotation of the Milky Way, to map the spiral structure of the Galaxy in the I and II quadrant with a thin division and to determine the integral mass; all this is done through the study of the galactic hydrogen concentration. The data are obtained by the radio telescope Salsa Onsala in Sweden and the spectra of the radiation are studied by the software SalsaJ.

Astronomia UAI, 1, 28-31 (gennaio-marzo 2022)

Struttura iperfina della Via Lattea a 1420 MHz

The aim of this work are firstly to obtain the curve of rotation of the Milky Way, secondly to map the spiral structure of the Galaxy in the I and II quadrant with a thin division and thirdly to determine the integral mass of the Galaxy. All these researches have been done through the study of the galactic hydrogen concentration. The data obtained by the radio telescope Salsa Onsala in Sweden refer to several observations done between December 2012 and April 2013. For the elaboration of those data, which were the spectrum of the radiation, the software SalsaJ was used. The result of this study confi rms that the matter velocity, far away from the galactic center, instead of decreasing remains the same. The distribution of the hydrogen is not uniform: it is concentrated in fi lamentary structures, which are considered an evidence of the presence of a spiral structure. Finally the mass of the Galaxy is comparable to the results of historical data.

Astronomia UAI, 4, 16-22 (luglio-agosto 2016)

Studio dell´attività delle Liridi nel 2007 attraverso il metodo SVB

The Lyrids meteor stream has a medium activity and itsorigin is cometary. The stream occurs in the last days of April and the maximum of activity occurs in the days 22-23 April. The Lyrids were studied in 2007 using radio observations. The radio data were obtained using the meteor scatter techniques. The activity of the stream has been analyzed using the method SVB. This method allows to separate from the observed datas the sporadic activity and the observability function of the forward-scatter apparatus and from these to obtain the true activity of the stream. The data were taken from the Radio Meteor Observation Bullettins. The purposeof this analysis is the definition of the main characteristics of the stream. The solar longitude of the maximum of the activity is 32.4° ± 0.2°.

Astronomia UAI, 5, 12-15 (settembre-ottobre 2008)

The Quest for Object X - Un software didattico del Progetto CLEA

Project CLEA develops laboratory exercises that illustrate modern astronomical techniques using digital data and color images. The lab software contains a variety of optical telescopes of various apertures, equipped with photometer, spectrometer, and a CCD camera capable of taking images and saving them as FITS files for analysis. It also includes a radio telescope capable of recording incoming signals at three separate frequencies. The dataset for this exercise is a subset a more VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL OBSERVATORY (VIREO) which includes over 15 million objects covering the entire sky. Like the all-sky dataset, the data supplied with the OBJECT X lab includes stars, galaxies, quasars, asteroids, and pulsars in several areas of the sky.

Astronomia UAI, 5, 16-20 (settembre-ottobre 2008)


Astronomia Valli del Noce è un portale che vuole essere un punto di incontro e di informazione per l'attività astronomica che si svolge in Val di Non e Val di Sole (Trentino), ma non solo. Vuole anche essere un punto di partenza per tutti quegli astrofili alla ricerca di informazioni sul mondo dell'astronomia e per tutti quei neofiti che si avvicinano per la prima volta all'astronomia.

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